Real Time Building Intelligence

Building owners and property managers need to keep costs under control but are often forced to spend much of their time reacting to problems instead of being able to predict and avoid them. Many building automation systems on the market are often too costly and complicated to implement.

Tech and  Sensorsuite logo have combined their expertise to offer you the best building automation solution on the market. Whether you need to monitor HVAC, boiler systems, mechanical rooms or power consumption Sensor Suite can keep you aware of what’s happening 24/7 through you’re your smart phone, tablet or PC. 


Remote monitoring of all your buildings in real time

Sensorsuite Graf

  • Easy, fast and cost effective implementation
  • Analytical tools that help track and measure operating system performance
  • A powerful tool to manage and lower operational costs
  • Sensor Suite can help tailor the right system for you based on your needs and priorities.





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